PRADINES - Monastère des Bénédictines

Organ : 3 keyboards , pedalboard - 17 stops




This organ, mainly conceived for the accompaniment of the sisters' singing of which the vocal technique, fine and transparent, makes a kind of " echo" to the silence of this abbatial chapel.
Its voicing was treated in a "retained" way, keeping however its timbre. The wind pressure is thus not very high and the mouths of the pipes are low.

A single windchest with alternated groove channels groups the division of Great-Organ and Positive. The Solo is over this device, the Pedal's stops are behind the case over the cuneiform bellows of 8 feet x 4 feet which feeds the organ.

The case is in maple tree and wild cherry, sculptures are in lime tree, they represent sheafs of wheat, motives present in the various stained-glass windows of the chapel.


Composition :


Positif - 56 notes Grand-Orgue - 56 notes Récit - 56 notes Pédale - 30 notes
Bourdon 8' Montre 8' Flûte conique ou Viole 8' Bourdon 16'
Flûte traversine 8' Prestant 4' Flûte conique ou Viole 4' Flûte 8'
Flûte 4' Doublette 2' Anche 8'  
Nazard 2 2/3' Plein jeu 4 à 5 rangs Régale  
Quarte 2' Cromorne 8'    
Tierce 1 3/5'  


Coupler Pos/G.O. - Récit/G.O.

Pedalcoupler I, II, III et pedalboard en 4 - Tremulant


audio recordings :


Leguay -Jean-Pierre Leguay, Dominique Vellard (ténor)

