YANHUITLAN (Mexique) - Covento Santo-Domingo

Organ : 1 Keyboard - 12 stops - keyboard of 49 notes (without 1er C# and D#)



This organ of the region of Oaxaca, in Mexico, is the work of an anonymous organ builder.

The case and the facade's pipes (the oldest) allowed to date the construction of this instrument at the end of the 17th century or at the beginning of the 18th century.

A peculiarity of this organ is the decoration of the facade's pipes painted with flowers and birds on a coat of silver leaf which recovered all the visible part of the pipes. 

All the internal pipework, which had disappeared is new, as well as the blower.



Composition :


Mano izquierda (main gauche) Mano derecha (main droite)
Flautado Bardon 8' Flautado Bardon 8'
Flautado 8' Flautado 8'
Octava 4' Octava 4'
Tapadillo 4' Tapadillo 4'
Docena 2 2/3' Docena 2 2/3'
Decinovena 1 1/3' Decinovena 1 1/3'
Ventidocena 1' Ventidocena 1'
Ventisexta 2/3' Ventisexta 2/3'
Ventinovena 1/2' Ventinovena 1/2'
  Cornetta 4 filas
Trompetas Real 8' Trompetas Real 8'
  Clarin claro 8'


